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Vazuril | Anticoccidial Oral Solution


Vazuril | Anticoccidial Oral Solution

Vazuril is an anticoccidial with a broad spectrum of action against several eimeria species. It prevents the nucleus of schizonts and gametes from dividing during the intracellular proliferating phase, which kills the coccidia. This anticoccidial liquid is essential for your poultry.

Vazuril | Anticoccidial Oral Solution Vazuril | Anticoccidial Oral S...


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Vazuril | Anticoccidial Oral Solution

Vazuril | Anticoccidial Oral Solution is a medication applicable for Coccidiosis of all stages like the schizogony and gametogenic stages of Eimeria spp. in chickens and turkeys. Some of these are

  • Poultry: Eimeria spp., E. acervuli, E. Brunetti, E. maxima, E. mitis, E. necatrix, E. tenella, E. hagani, E. praecox.
    Turkey: E. adenoids, galloparonis, E. meleagrimitis.

Because vazuril contains toltrazuril, it functions as an anticoccidial against Eimeria spp. in chickens. This oral anticoccidial medication works well. Buy anything now.

It is not suitable for administration to animals with impaired hepatic and/or renal function.

Side Effects:

  • When given at high dosages in laying hens, eggs drop and in broilers, growth is inhibited and polyneuritis can occur.


  • 200 ml per 200 litres drinking water for 2 days consecutively (7 mg/kg b.wt.)
  • In severe cases, repeat the treatment after 5 days at the same dose for 2 consecutive days

Safety Period (Meat):

Turkey: 16 days

Chicken: 18 days

Withdrawal Period:

For meat consumption: 7 days


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