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Z-FORCE is a multi-reason, preventive, contact, wide range fungicide. Z-force is a carbamates fungicide for successful infectious prevention and security of field crops, natural products, vegetables, for example, tomato, cotton, tea, espresso, tobacco, potato, rice, oil palm, elastic, sugarcane, banana, and yard. It controls dark spot, leaf spot, dark decay, wool mold, anthracnose, early and late curse. Place orders for Z-Force today.

Z-Force is a multi-reason, preventive, contact, wide range fungicide. This fungicide has great adequacy. It is autonomous of the temperature and non-connected with the dissemination of the sap. It represses the germination of parasite spores. It is portrayed by a decent tirelessness on vegetation. It likewise has a few impacts against bugs. It is quickly degradable inside the dirt, and safe for the climate.

Z-force is a carbamate fungicide for successful infectious prevention and security of field harvests, organic products, and vegetables. Some of these include tomato, cotton, tea, espresso, tobacco, potato, rice, oil palm, elastic, sugarcane, banana, and yard. It controls dark spots, leaf spots, dark decay, wool mold, anthracnose, and early and late curses.

Dynamic Ingredient: Mancozeb 80% WP

Thing Type: Fungicide

Reasonable for: Application on field crops, natural products, and vegetables. Some of which incorporate tomato, cotton, tea, espresso, tobacco, potato, rice, oil palm, elastic, sugarcane, banana, and yard

NAFDAC Number: A5-0224

Bundling: 1kg Sachet

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Z-Force Fungicide?

Z-Force is a broad-spectrum fungicide used as a preventative contact spray to control fungal diseases in various crops and vegetables. It’s a carbamate-based fungicide effective against a wide range of fungal problems.

What crops and vegetables can Z-Force be used on?

It is labeled for use on a variety of field crops, fruits, and vegetables, including:

  • Tomatoes
  • Cotton
  • Tea
  • Coffee
  • Tobacco
  • Potatoes
  • Rice
  • Oil Palm
  • Rubber
  • Sugarcane
  • Banana
  • Lawns

What diseases does Z-Force control?

It is effective against several fungal diseases, including:

  • Black spot
  • Leaf spot
  • Black rot
  • Downy mildew
  • Anthracnose
  • Early blight
  • Late blight

How does Z-Force work?

It works by preventing the germination of fungal spores, essentially stopping the spread of the disease before it can take hold. It acts through contact, meaning it needs to come into direct contact with the fungus or spores to be effective.

What are the benefits of using?

  • Broad-spectrum control: Effective against a wide range of fungal diseases.
  • Preventive: Helps prevent fungal infections before they occur.
  • Contact action: Works quickly upon contact with the fungus.
  • Temperature independent: Remains effective under various temperature conditions.
  • Safe for the environment: Breaks down quickly in the soil.

What is the active ingredient?

The active ingredient is Mancozeb 80% WP (wettable powder).


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