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SKU: syngenta-tomato-chibli-1000-se Categories:
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When tomato fruits are fleshy, rectangular-rounded, and uniform in yield, Chilbi is obviously the cultivar. This hybrid variety of tomatoes is produced by Syngenta. The skin is thin but strong and elastic with high resistance to mechanical damage. The tomatoes fruits have a beautiful bright red color with brilliance. The average weight of fruits in a season is 100 – 120g. Chibli fruits are dense, but the flesh is juicy, and aromatic, with a rich tomato flavor.

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SYNGENTA TOMATO CHIBLI is a medium early determinate hybrid with medium-sized, blocky-round fruits for fresh market, hawker trade, and processing use. Tomato Chibli seeds develop very vigorous plants with good cover and produce high yields of early-quality fruits with good shipping ability. Chibli is mostly grown flat as a bush culture for the fresh market but is also used by processors for paste.

The seed producer of this hybrid is the Syngenta company, known all over the world. Low-growing (determinant) hybrid of a tomato of average ripening. From planting seedlings to the beginning of fruiting takes 70 – 80 days. The bush is powerful, but compact in habit, standard type, well leafy. During the season grows to 60 – 80cm.

Fruits are fleshy, rectangular-rounded, without pronounced ribbing. The skin is thin but strong and elastic with high resistance to mechanical damage. The tomatoes have a beautiful bright red colour with brilliance. The average weight of fruits in a season is 100 – 120g. Chibli fruits are dense, but the flesh is juicy, aromatic, with a rich tomato flavour.


  • Earliness: Medium early
  • Maturity: 120 days from sowing
  • Plant: Very vigorous
  • High yielding
  • Fruit: Blocky-round
  • Medium-sized
  • Non-green back
  • Brix: 5.5 to 6.0%
  • Average Fruit weight: 110 grams
  • Disease Resistances: Verticillium (VaVd), Fusarium (Fol 0-1), Nematodes, (M. incognita/++)


  • Medium early determinate.
  • hybrid for growing flat as a bush culture for the fresh market and paste-processing.
  • Can be harvested over a long period as the plant covers the firm fruits well.
  • Recommended because of its exceptionally high yields and nematode resistance.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Syngenta Tomato Chibli Seeds

What are Syngenta Tomato Chibli seeds?

Syngenta Tomato Chibli seeds are a hybrid tomato variety known for its:

  • Medium-early maturity: Starts producing fruits 70-80 days after transplanting seedlings.
  • High yields: Produces a large quantity of blocky-round, medium-sized tomatoes.
  • Disease resistance: Resistant to Verticillium wilt, Fusarium wilt, nematodes, and offers good protection for developing fruits.
  • Excellent flavor: Juicy, aromatic flesh with a rich tomato taste.

What are the benefits of growing Syngenta Tomato Chibli?

  • Early harvest: Enjoy homegrown tomatoes within a reasonable timeframe.
  • Abundant fruits: Get a high yield of delicious tomatoes from a single plant.
  • Disease resistance: Reduce the risk of losing your crop to common tomato diseases.
  • Versatility: Suitable for fresh market sales, personal consumption, or even processing into a paste.
  • Compact plants: Ideal for smaller gardens or container planting.

How long does it take for Syngenta Tomato Chibli to mature?

Maturity takes approximately 120 days from sowing the seeds. However, you can expect to start harvesting fruits 70-80 days after transplanting seedlings.

How big do Syngenta tomatoes and Chibli tomatoes get?

These tomatoes are medium-sized, typically weighing around 100-120 grams each.

Are Syngenta Tomato Chibli suitable for beginners?

Yes, their disease resistance, compact size, and good yield make them a great choice for beginner tomato growers.


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