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Etna F1 Hybrid Hot Pepper seeds -5g (East-West Brand)


Etna F1 Hybrid Hot Pepper seeds

The hot pepper variety Etna F1 bears clusters of brilliant red fruits. It matures in 50 to 60 days and is resistant to nematodes and the tobacco mosaic virus, among other common diseases. Etna F1 Hybrid Hot Pepper seeds can be grown in soil with a PH of between 5.6 and 7.5.

Etna F1 Hybrid Hot Pepper Seeds Features

  • Early Maturity: Harvest these fiery gems within a mere 50-60 days, ensuring a bountiful harvest for your culinary creations.

  • High Yields: Prepare to be amazed by the Etna F1’s prolific production of peppers, guaranteeing a continuous supply of heat for your culinary adventures.

  • Disease Resistance: These resilient peppers stand strong against common foes like tobacco mosaic virus and nematodes, ensuring a thriving crop.

  • Vibrant Color: Watch as the Etna F1 transforms from a dark green hue to a stunning red, adding a touch of vibrancy to your garden and kitchen.

  • Firm Texture: Savor the exceptional crunch and crispness of these peppers, providing a delightful textural contrast to your dishes.

Etna F1 Hybrid Hot Pepper seeds Etna F1 Hybrid Hot Pepper seed...


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Etna F1 Hybrid Hot Pepper seeds

Introducing the Etna F1 Hybrid Hot Pepper, a culinary delight that will tantalize your taste buds and set your kitchen ablaze with its fiery intensity. This exceptional variety boasts an impressive Scoville heat unit rating of 500-1,000, making it a true must-have for pepper enthusiasts seeking an explosion of flavor.

Etna F1 Hybrid Hot Pepper Seeds Features
It yields sturdy fruits.
Color of immaturity: dark green
Red is a mature color.
Plant heights range from 18 to 24 inches (45 to 60 cm) and 24 to 36 inches (60 to 90 cm).
Resistance: Nematodes and the tobacco mosaic virus
Size of packaging: 5 g

  • Ignite Your Passion for Peppers: Unleash your inner pepper aficionado with the Etna F1, a culinary flamethrower that will tantalize your senses.

  • Cultivate a Culinary Inferno: Experience the fiery intensity of the Etna F1, a pepper so hot, that it’ll have your taste buds dancing in a spicy tango.

  • Embrace the Heat Revolution: Elevate your culinary creations with the Etna F1, a pepper that’s guaranteed to set your kitchen ablaze with its fiery zest.

  • Indulge in the Flavor of Adventure: Embark on a culinary expedition with the Etna F1, a pepper that will transport your taste buds to a realm of fiery delight.

  • Unleash the Fiery Essence of Peppers: Experience the true essence of peppers with the Etna F1, a variety so hot, that it’ll have you craving more.


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