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Poultry Drinking Lines plus Saddle (Pack of 100 Pairs)


These are great Chakra and precise areolas made with fine quality plastic and treated steel unrefined components. Poultry Drinking Lines plus Saddle (Pack of 100 Pairs) guarantee further developed water conveyance with less spills.

Every areola estimates 3.8cm by and large and accompanies its corresponding plastic seat in different shadings (for connection to the drinking line pipe).

Pressed in straightforward and fixed sacks, 100 areolas and seats for each pack.

Poultry Drinking Lines plus Saddle (Pack of 100 Pairs) Poultry Drinking Lines plus Sa...


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Poultry Drinking Lines plus Saddle (Pack of 100 Pairs)

The areola consumer is broadly utilized for chicken battery confines.

Poultry Drinking Lines plus Saddle (Pack of 100 Pairs) is a mix of hardened steel and solid quality plastic material, in this way ensures precise conveyance of water to your chickens.

It is all around suggested for floor and enclosure raised grills, layers, and reproducers.

When utilized on the floor, one piece of the areola is suggested for eight (8) birds.

When utilized in an enclosure, each piece of the areola can serve two to four chickens or more, contingent upon your necessity, bird type, and enclosure determinations.

The areola and seat are suggested for 3/4″ lines altogether for the seat to fit perfectly around the line.

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The advantages of utilizing the areola framework:

It assists you with accomplishing an undeniable degree of cleanliness on the homestead since water doesn’t get polluted since the water drops just when pecked. Freshwater is delivered preposterously on request.

It likewise assists you with accomplishing group consistency as birds don’t need to gather around the drinking box.

The areola consumers ought to be very much dispersed in the poultry house.

The seats are utilized to append areolas to the PVC pipe that disperses water.

By and large, the Chakra areolas are notable for their strength and incredible conveyance.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Poultry Drinking Lines Plus Saddle (Pack of 100 Pairs)

What are Poultry Drinking Lines Plus Saddle?

This product is a combination of poultry drinking lines (likely made of plastic tubing) and saddles that attach to the lines. The saddles hold the nipple drinkers (also sometimes called areolas) in place, providing a clean and efficient way for chickens to access water.

What are the benefits of using Poultry Drinking Lines Plus Saddle?

  • Improved Hygiene: Reduces water contamination compared to traditional open waterers, promoting better flock health.
  • Reduced Water Waste: Minimizes water spillage and mess, saving on water costs.
  • Easy Access for Chickens: Provides a convenient and accessible way for chickens to drink water throughout the day.
  • Easy Installation: Relatively simple to install on existing poultry housing.

What are Poultry Drinking Lines Plus Saddle made of?

The product description mentions a combination of hardened steel (likely for the nipple mechanism) and solid quality plastic material (likely for the tubing and saddles).

Where can I use Poultry Drinking Lines Plus Saddle?

This product is suitable for both floor-raised and cage-raised chickens, including broilers, layers, and breeders.

How many chickens can one Poultry Drinking Line Plus Saddle serve?

The recommended number of chickens per nipple drinker (areola) varies depending on usage:

  • Floor-raised chickens: 1 nipple drinker per 8 birds
  • Cage-raised chickens: 1 nipple drinker can serve 2-4 chickens, or more depending on your specific needs, bird type, and cage size.

Weight 1 kg


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