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chicken feather plucking machine


chicken feather plucking machine works by using rubber fingers to pluck the feathers from the bird’s body. The fingers are attached to a rotating drum, and the bird is placed inside the drum. The machine is then turned on, and the fingers pluck the feathers out.

chicken feather plucking machine benefits

There are many benefits to using an electric defeathering machine, including:

chicken feather plucking machine chicken feather plucking machi...


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chicken feather plucking machine

For anyone who raises chickens for the meat, you’re well aware of the importance of having a good, clean pluck. However, if you are breeding chickens for more than your own needs, it can be extremely time-consuming trying to pluck them by hand. That’s why in this article, we are going to look at the best chicken feather plucking machine that you can get to cater to your needs.

In our reviews, we feature both drill-mounted and out-of-the-box functional chicken pluckers to allow you to choose the method that works best whenΒ defeathering your birds. We’ve included reviews of 10 of the best options that you’ll find for sale right now, as well as a handy buying guide that outlines all the factors that you need to consider before making your choice.

So without further ado, let’s get right to helping you find the perfect chicken plucker to get the job done!

chicken feather plucking machine

This feather Plucking Machine is indicated for the removal of feathers from poultry birds (broilers, old layers, cockerels, turkeys etc).

Features of chicken feather plucking machine
  • This feather-plucking machine is capable of plucking 2 to 3 birds at a time.
  • The entire process of plucking 3 birds takes about one minute.
Directions for use:
  1. Slaughter the bird and allow blood to drain properly.
  2. Dip the chicken in hot water to scald at 65 to 80 degrees. The temperature of the water is dependent on the toughness of the skin of the bird.
  3. Turn on the machine and drop the scalded birds in it.
  4. The best time to turn off the machine is between 10 to 20 seconds, although this depends on the type of poultry and its skin toughness.


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