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SKU: touch-down-1ltr Categories:
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TOUCH DOWN is a non-specific foundational herbicide and is dynamic when applied to the foliage and green bark of plants.

TOUCH DOWN is shown for the control of essentially all yearly and lasting weeds. It is delegated a herbicide Group G.

The noticeable impact on treated foliage as a rule shows up at 7 – 10 days after treatment yet may change as indicated by weather patterns.
Extra data can be gotten in the wellbeing information sheet and marks accessible for download in the wake of submitting effective requests (will be sent to your enlisted messages)
Score Forte is a non-particular foundational herbicide. It is shown for the control of basically all yearly and enduring weeds.

A dissolvable concentrate non-particular foliar, foundational herbicide with a wetting specialist for use in glyphosate-open minded crops and the control of a wide scope of yearly and enduring grasses, broadleaf weeds, certain woody perennials, and modern weed control.

Dynamic Ingredient of TOUCH DOWN

Slurry Liquid (SL)

WHO Classification

TOUCH DOWN Method of Action
The score contains a novel, improved conveyance framework bringing about a dependable elite execution. It very well may be utilized whenever and on any yield (counting glyphosate-lenient harvests), as expected by the cultivator’s weed administration program.

Yearly and Perennial grasses and broadleaf weeds.

Primary Crops
Grains, Sugarcane, Tea, Coffee, Bananas, Sisal and Citrus

Key Benefits of TOUCH DOWN

Downpour speed – Excellent maintenance, wetting, and ideal spreading contrasted with customary glyphosate.
High adequacy – Improved double adjuvant permits quicker assimilation and quicker weed control.
Systemicity – Passive and penetrative properties of double adjuvant guarantee viable development to developing parts.

Adaptability – It might be utilized before establishing all yields, in laid-out establishing harvests like espresso, tea, sisal, and sugarcane.
Pace of Application
Apply at 0.5 – 3.0 liters/ha

Ground application:
Score Forte can be applied with customary ground gear (farm hauler mounted blasts, rucksack, and so forth)

Ideal shower stores are acquired with ground hardware aligned to splash 100 – 300 l/ha with reasonable spouts to guarantee sufficient inclusion.
Where float is an issue, don’t surpass 2 bars. Utilize just the tensions prescribed for explicit spouts to keep away from the float. Quit showering on the off chance that the breeze speed surpasses 10 km/h.
Try not to splash when the overall dampness is under 40 %.

Apply the Touchdown Forte measurements rate as per the weed development stage – the higher dose rates inside the reach should be utilized when the weeds are more seasoned and more settled in the particular development stage.

Score Forte ought to simply be applied to effectively develop weeds that are not torpid or under temperature, dampness, or some other pressure. A downpour or water system a couple of days preceding application guarantees that weeds are effectively developing, bringing about ideal adequacy.
Utilize just clean water with no suspended soil particles in the splash blend.
Guarantee that shower gear is perfect, liberated from all dregs, rust, or residue, and accurately aligned before splashing.

Utilize a low shower pressure (100 – 200 kPa) and the right spouts to stay away from splash float.
Guarantee even inclusion of all weeds under application and apply to nascent spillover.
Score Forte is effectively consumed through juvenile bark and leaves of most plants and trees. Contact with juvenile bark can bring about genuine confined or moved harm.

Subsequently contact with leaves, green or youthful bark, and product of wanted plants, whether direct or by splash float, should be kept away from. Continuously ensure that the main undesired plants are dealt with.
Downpours or water systems in 3 hours of use can lessen the viability of TOUCHDOWN Forte.
It has no pre-rise movement, in this manner, rehash applications are vital (when applied all alone) to control weeds sprouting from seed. Guarantee that target weeds are completely presented to the splash.
Conflicting and variable control of weeds even at high rates might be possible because of various reasons in particular

a) dry season pressure
b) cold or hotness stress
c) plants with waxy layers for example Portulaca oleracea,
d) normal protection from glyphosate-based items for example Commelina bengalensis, Ipomoea spp.
e) gained obstruction because of the rehashed utilization of glyphosate
f) unfortunate inclusion and infiltration of uncovered leaves for example Argemone subfusiformis,
g) plants with bulbs and tubers for example Cyperus spp.,
h) conflicting connection between above soil parts and underneath soil parts for example Conyza bonariensis after dry periods or development throughout the colder time of year.
I) unfortunate water quality.


TOUCH DOWN Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Touchdown Forte?

Touchdown Forte is a non-selective, systemic herbicide used as a foundational weed control solution. It works by killing both annual and perennial weeds through foliar (leaf) and basal bark (young bark) application.

What weeds does Touchdown Forte control?

Touchdown Forte controls a broad spectrum of weeds, including:

  • Annual grasses and broadleaf weeds
  • Perennial grasses and broadleaf weeds
  • Certain woody perennials

How does Touchdown Forte work?

Touchdown Forte contains glyphosate as its active ingredient. Glyphosate disrupts the plant’s growth process, leading to its death. The product also boasts an improved delivery system for faster absorption and weed control.

What crops can Touchdown Forte be used on?

Touchdown Forte is labeled for use in glyphosate-tolerant crops, offering flexibility in weed control programs for various agricultural applications.

What are the benefits of using Touchdown Forte?

  • Fast-acting: Visible effects on treated weeds typically appear within 7-10 days.
  • Excellent coverage: The included wetting agent allows for better spreading and adherence to target weeds.
  • Improved efficacy: The enhanced delivery system promotes quicker absorption and more effective weed control.
  • Systemic action: The herbicide is translocated throughout the plant, targeting both leaves and roots.
  • Versatility: Touchdown Forte can be used before planting or in established crops like coffee, tea, and sugarcane.

How do I apply Touchdown Forte?

  • Application rates vary depending on the weed stage and target species. Refer to the product label for specific instructions.
  • Touchdown Forte can be applied using ground application equipment like boom sprayers or knapsacks.
  • Ensure proper calibration of spray equipment for even coverage and efficient application.
  • Avoid application during windy conditions or when overall humidity falls below 40%.


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