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Crown F1 Tomato seeds (Simlaw seeds brand ) 25g


Crown F1 Tomato seeds

Crown F1 tomato seeds are a gardener’s dream: a high-yielding, disease-resistant hybrid tomato variety perfect for both fresh eating and processing. Developed by Simlaw Seeds, this powerhouse produces medium-sized, blocky-round fruits that are firm, flavorful, and perfect for salads, sauces, and canning.

Benefits of Crown F1 Tomato Seeds:

  • Determinate growth habits: Makes them ideal for containers and smaller gardens.
  • Early maturity: Reaches harvest in just 65-70 days, providing you with delicious tomatoes earlier than other varieties.
  • High yields: Expect a bountiful harvest of firm, flavorful tomatoes.
  • Excellent shelf life and transportability: Perfect for selling at farmers’ markets or storing for later enjoyment.
  • Disease resistance: Tolerant to bacterial and fusarium wilt, reducing the need for pesticides.
  • Versatile: Enjoy them fresh in salads and sandwiches, use them to create delicious sauces and salsas, or preserve them through canning or drying.
Crown F1 Tomato seeds Crown F1 Tomato seeds (Simlaw ...


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Crown F1 Tomato seeds

Crown F1 tomato seeds are a must-have for any tomato enthusiast. This high-yielding, disease-resistant hybrid produces medium-sized, blocky-round fruits that are firm, flavorful, and perfect for salads, sauces, and canning. With a determinate growth habit, they are ideal for containers and smaller gardens, and their early maturity (65-70 days) means you can enjoy delicious homegrown tomatoes sooner than ever. Crown F1 tomato plants are also resistant to bacterial and fusarium wilt, reducing the need for pesticides and making them a healthy and sustainable choice.

Advantages of Products

  • Determinate hybrid tomato
  • Blocky-round fruits
  • Medium-sized (200g)
  • Early maturity (65-70 days)
  • Disease-resistant
  • Excellent shelf life

Growing Crown Tomatoes: A Step-by-Step Guide
Plant tomatoes in cocopeat/seed starting mix-filled seedling trays.
Plant one seed in each hole, 12 inches deep.
A bright window or fluorescent lights positioned approximately 2 inches (5 cm) above the plants are both good places to start seeds.
Till seeds begin to sprout, keep cocopeat and seed starting mix gently moist.
At 75°F (24°C), germination takes 5 to 7 days.
Seedlings can be transplanted to the field around two weeks after germination.

Plant seedlings may receive direct sunshine since tomatoes require around 8 hours of sunlight per day.
Less than 50°F (10°C) is too cold for plants to flourish.
A tomato transplant should be planted deeper in the garden than it was in the seedling tray. Up until the top two sets of leaves on the stem, remove the lower leaves. bury the stem up to the top two leaf sets. The buried stem will produce new roots. Plants will be more resilient if stems are buried when transplanting.
Transplanted seedlings should be watered.
The planting distance for seedlings should be 24 inches (61 cm).

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Crown F1 Tomato Seeds

What are Crown F1 Tomato Seeds?

Crown F1 Tomato Seeds are a hybrid variety known for their high yield, disease resistance, and delicious flavor.

What are the benefits of Crown F1 Tomato Seeds?

  • High-yielding: Produces a large quantity of tomatoes.
  • Disease-resistant: Less susceptible to bacterial and fusarium wilt diseases.
  • Early maturity: Ready to harvest in just 65-70 days.
  • Compact plants: Ideal for containers and smaller gardens due to their determinate growth habit.
  • Blocky-round fruits: Perfect size and shape for salads, sauces, and canning.
  • Excellent shelf life: Tomatoes stay fresh for longer.
  • Sustainable choice: Reduced need for pesticides due to disease resistance.

How do I grow Crown F1 Tomatoes?

  1. Seed Starting: Plant seeds in a cocopeat or seed starting mix in seedling trays.
  2. Light and Moisture: Provide bright light from a window or fluorescent lights and keep the mix moist until germination.
  3. Germination: Seeds germinate in 5-7 days at 75°F (24°C).
  4. Transplanting: After 2 weeks, transplant seedlings to a sunny location with at least 8 hours of sunlight daily.
  5. Planting Depth: Plant deeper than in the seedling tray, burying the stem up to the top two sets of leaves.
  6. Spacing: Maintain a distance of 24 inches (61 cm) between transplanted seedlings.
  7. Watering: Water the transplanted seedlings thoroughly.


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