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Long Purple Eggplant Seeds (Royal Brand Seeds)


Long Purple Eggplant Seeds is an heirloom eggplant that produces dark pink cucumber-formed fruit with company mild flesh. It is produced through Royal Seeds Company.


Type: Heirloom Variety
Maturity Days: 85 days from transplanting
Yield potential: 6-eight culmination in line with plant
Fruit Size: 8″–10″ lengthy, 2″ wide.
Fruit Shape: Cylindrical, but barely wider at backside cease
Fruit Colour: Glossy purple
Package Size: 25g

Long Purple Eggplant Seeds Long Purple Eggplant Seeds (Ro...


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Long Purple Eggplant Seeds

Long Purple Eggplant Seeds is an heirloom eggplant that produces darkish crimson cucumber-shaped fruit with company slight flesh.

It is a trendy range produced by Royal Seeds Company.


Characteristics Of Long Purple Eggplant Seeds:

It is a good pleasant culmination with an awesome market call for
Tall and upright plant with narrow rectangular culmination
Maturity eighty-five days from transplanting
Excellent flavor and creamy indoors

Yield ability 6-eight end result in step with plant
8″–10″ lengthy, 2″ extensive culmination.
Cylindrical, however slightly wider at the bottom and quit fruit shape.
Smooth, glossy purple pores and skin color.

Benefits Of Eggplant

Eggplant is an excellent supply of nutrients and minerals
Helps in digestion
Improves heart health
Prevent cancer and diabetic
Improve bone fitness
Prevent anemia
Increases brain characteristic

Growing Long Purple Eggplant Seeds

Soak the seeds in a single day earlier than germinating them. Let the seeds sit in a single day, then drain the water.
Eggplants want warmth, so it is fine to begin them interior and transplant them as soon as the weather is heat enough.
Fill seed trays with a exceptional, free growing medium. Push 2-three seeds into the growing medium in every cell using your palms.
Sprinkle water onto the surface and cowl trays with a humidity dome.

Warmer temperatures will spur a quicker germination period.
Ideally, select a niche inside the garden that gets solar for extra than 6 hours according to day to plant your eggplants.
Pour a 2-inch layer of compost on top of the soil. Use the rake to mix it into the soil frivolously.
Dig holes barely larger than your seedlings’ roots, spaced 24–30 inches in all directions.
Mulching will assist save you the increase of weeds and hold your plants warm.

Use bamboo sticks or different appropriate stakes to maintain up your vegetation. As the flowers grow, they may lean onto the stakes.
To thrive, eggplant want at least 1 inch of water per week. Aim for one weekly.
At the 16-week mark, start checking your eggplant crops to see if they’re prepared for harvesting. When the skin is vibrant, reduce off eggplants close to the stem with sharp pruning shears.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Long Purple Eggplant Seeds

What are Long Purple Eggplant Seeds?

Long Purple Eggplant Seeds are an heirloom variety that produces slender, dark purple eggplants with a delicious, creamy interior.

What are the benefits of growing Long Purple Eggplant Seeds?

  • High Yield: Produces 6-8 eggplants per plant.
  • Great Flavor: Offers excellent flavor with creamy flesh.
  • Market Appeal: The dark purple color and long shape make them popular with consumers.
  • Fast Maturing: Reaches maturity in 85 days from transplanting.
  • Easy to Grow: Suitable for home gardeners.

How do I grow Long Purple Eggplant Seeds?

The content provides a step-by-step guide on growing Long Purple Eggplant Seeds, including:

  • Seed Soaking: Soak seeds for 1 day before planting.
  • Planting: Start indoors, transplant outdoors when warm weather arrives.
  • Germination: Use a well-draining potting mix, and maintain warm temperatures.
  • Transplanting: Choose a sunny location with well-amended soil.
  • Watering: Water deeply once a week, aiming for 1 inch of water per week.
  • Support: Stake plants for support as they grow.
  • Harvesting: Harvest eggplants when mature and the skin has a vibrant color.


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