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Chai Tai Sweet Corn Seeds


The hybrid yellow sweet corn variety Chai Tai Sweet Corn Seeds is semi-tropical, highly high yielding, and has a special plant structure that encourages increased population response. Additionally, it has excellent standability, which the market demands.

The sweet flavour of sweet corn is well known. Due to its ease of growth, the variety is greatly liked by both consumers and businesses.

Chai Tai Sweet Corn Seeds’ Qualities
Good eating quality with delicate and soft kernels.
homogeneous and cylindrical in shape.
Filling the tip well.
excellent husk cover.
brix sweetness of 16%.
64–68 day early maturity.
Fruits that are amazingly delicious.
4 to 5 tonnes on average per care output.

Chai Tai Sweet Corn Seeds Chai Tai Sweet Corn Seeds


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The hybrid yellow sweet corn variety Chai Tai Sweet Corn Seeds is semi-tropical, highly high yielding, and has a special plant structure that encourages increased population response. Additionally, it has excellent standability, which the market demands.

The sweet flavour of sweet corn is well known. Due to its ease of growth, the variety is greatly liked by both consumers and businesses.

Chai Tai Sweet Corn Seeds’ Qualities
Good eating quality with delicate and soft kernels.
homogeneous and cylindrical in shape.
Filling the tip well.
excellent husk cover.

brix sweetness of 16%.
64–68 day early maturity.
Fruits that are amazingly delicious.
4 to 5 tonnes on average per care output.

Nutritional Value Of Sweet Corn:
Corn is a good source of fibre, vitamins, and minerals, including vitamin C, thiamin, and folate.
Antioxidants-rich foods can help prevent cellular damage and lessen the chance of developing chronic diseases.
A variety of corn (maize) known as “sweet corn” has been cultivated for its high sugar content, which gives it a sweet flavour when cooked.

usually consumed as a vegetable and may be prepared in a number of different ways, such as boiling, grilling, or roasting.
It is a widely consumed cuisine that is frequently served as a side dish or included as a component in salads.
Economic Value:

For farmers, sweet corn is a significant cash crop that provides a source of income.
used as a component in a variety of foods, such as frozen dinners, canned veggies, and snack foods.
Many nations export and import sweetcorn, making it a crucial component of the global food market.

How to Plant Sweetcorn: A Guide
Pick the proper location: Sweetcorn requires well-drained soil and full sun (at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunshine per day). Since it also consumes a lot of food, the soil should be highly organic.
Get the soil ready: Compost or manure should be added to the soil before planting. This will aid in enhancing the soil’s fertility and drainage.

Plant the seeds Seeds for sweet corn can be planted outdoors or started indoors. If you are immediately planting them in the ground, space them 12 inches apart and 1 inch deep. Plant them two to three weeks before the final date of frost if you are starting them inside.
After the seedlings have sprouted, thin them to a distance of 8 to 12 inches.
Regular watering is necessary for sweetcorn, especially during the hot summer months.
Regular fertilization is necessary because sweet corn consumes a lot of nutrients. Every two to three weeks, you can apply a balanced fertilizer, like 10-10-10.

Defend against insects and illnesses: Sweetcorn is vulnerable to a variety of insects and diseases, including powdery mildew, earworms, and corn borers. By using resistant types and excellent gardening hygiene, you can fend off these pests and illnesses.
Sweetcorn is ready for harvesting when the kernels are mature, milky, and on the cobs. By lightly touching a kernel with your thumbnail, you can check the corn. The maize is ripe if the fluid that emerges is milky.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Chai Tai Sweet Corn Seeds

What are Chai Tai Sweet Corn Seeds?

Chai Tai Sweet Corn Seeds are a hybrid yellow sweet corn variety known for its high yield, excellent standability, and delicious flavor.

What are the benefits of planting Chai Tai Sweet Corn Seeds?

  • High Yield: Produces 4 to 5 tonnes of sweet corn per acre on average.
  • Early Maturity: Ready for harvest in 64-68 days.
  • Excellent Eating Quality: Sweet and flavorful kernels with a good husk cover.
  • Easy to Grow: Well-suited for both home gardeners and commercial farmers.
  • Disease Resistant: Less susceptible to common corn diseases with proper care.

How do I plant Chai Tai Sweet Corn Seeds?

  1. Choose a sunny location: Sweet corn needs at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily.
  2. Prepare the soil: Amend the soil with compost or manure for good drainage and fertility.
  3. Plant the seeds: Sow seeds 1 inch deep and 12 inches apart outdoors after the last frost.
    • For starting indoors, plant 2-3 weeks before the last frost and transplant seedlings 8-12 inches apart after hardening off.
  4. Water regularly: Especially during hot weather, sweet corn needs consistent moisture.
  5. Fertilize: Apply a balanced fertilizer like 10-10-10 every 2-3 weeks.
  6. Pest and disease control: Use resistant varieties and good gardening practices to manage pests and diseases.
  7. Harvest: Pick corn cobs when kernels are plump, milky, and mature.

What is the nutritional value of sweet corn?

Sweet corn is a good source of fiber, vitamins (C, thiamin, folate), and antioxidants.

Is sweet corn easy to grow for beginners?

Yes, Chai Tai Sweet Corn Seeds are known for their ease of growth, making them a good choice for beginner gardeners.


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