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Prince F1 Cucumber Seeds (Royal Seeds Brand)


Prince F1 Cucumber Seeds

The hybrid seed Prince F1 Cucumber Seeds is made by Royal Seeds Company. It is a cucumber slicer with excellent fruit production. It has a healthy plant vigor and a long shelf life.

Prince F1 Cucumber Seeds Features

  • High Yielding: Produces an abundance of dark green, crispy cucumbers
  • Excellent Disease Resistance: Resistant to powdery mildew, cucumber mosaic virus, and cucumber vein yellowing virus
  • Easy to Grow: Thrives in both greenhouses and open fields
  • Fast Maturing: Ready to harvest in just 55-65 days
Prince F1 Cucumber Seeds Prince F1 Cucumber Seeds (Roya...


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Prince F1 Cucumber Seeds

The hybrid seed Prince F1 Cucumber Seeds is made by Royal Seeds Company. It is a cucumber slicer with excellent fruit production.

Cucumber Prince F1 Seeds Characteristics:
cutting cucumber
22 cm on average in length, very fruitful
Fruit with a long shelf life that is dark green
resistant to powdery mildew

healthy plant vigor
excellent fruit
Age of Maturity: 50–70 days

Tolerances / Resistances:
Powdery Mildew
Mushroom mosaic
Yellowing of the cucumber veins

Benefits Of Cucumber For Health
Because of its high water content, vital vitamins, and minerals, cucumbers offer the most nutrition.
Stop the build-up of dangerous free radicals.
decrease the danger of chronic illness.
Drink more water.
aid in losing weight.
may aid in blood sugar reduction.
Avoid complications resulting from diabetes
Increase regularity and prevent constipation.
You can consume cucumbers either fresh or pickled.

Cucumber Sowing Instructions: From Seeds to Fruits
Put Prince F1 Cucumber Seeds in little seed pots. Place two seeds about an inch (3 cm) deep, and then thoroughly water them.
To germinate, cucumber seeds require a warm environment. Remove the weakest seedlings when they emerge, leaving one per pot.
Cucumbers grown outside need to be planted when the earth has warmed up.

Before planting, dig in a ton of well-rotted organic waste, such as compost, as cucumbers appreciate rich, nutritious soil.
Plants should be spaced about 45 cm apart if your cucumbers are being grown vertically on trellises or other supports. Instead, plant them around 90 cm apart if you intend to let them sprawl over the soil surface.

After six leaves have grown, pinch out the developing tips to encourage plants to create fruiting side branches. Cucumbers that climb may require tying to vertical supports, especially as the heavy fruits begin to form. Cucumbers should be picked while they are young and sensitive. Use pruners or a sharp knife to remove them off the plants. Pick frequently to promote more fruit and, if possible, harvest early in the day when it’s still chilly.


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