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AgriForce Herbicide | Post-Emergence | 500 mls


AgriForce Herbicide is a powerful and effective tool for managing weeds in rice fields. Its broad-spectrum weed control, selective action, and long-lasting protection make it an essential addition to any rice farmer’s toolkit.

benefits of using AgriForce Herbicide include:

  • Increased rice yields: By controlling weeds, AgriForce Herbicide helps rice plants grow stronger and produce more grain.
  • Improved rice quality: Weeds can harbor pests and diseases that can harm rice crops. AgriForce Herbicide helps produce cleaner, healthier rice.
  • Reduced labor costs: Manually controlling weeds is time-consuming and expensive. AgriForce Herbicide is a convenient and cost-effective way to control weeds.
  • Improved water use efficiency: Weeds compete with rice plants for water. AgriForce Herbicide helps rice plants make better use of available water.

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AgriForce Herbicide AgriForce Herbicide | Post-Eme...


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SKU: agriforce-herbicide-post-emergence-500-mls Categories: , Tags: , ,
Estimated delivery:3 days


AgriForce Herbicide is a particular, foundational post-development herbicide in wet cultivated rice, dry cultivated and relocated rice, against grasses, and expansive leaved weeds.

Dynamic Ingredient in AgriForce Herbicide

Bispyribac Sodium 100g/L SC. It has a place with benzoic corrosive mixtures and is an exceptionally dynamic ALS inhibitor with high proficiency, expansive range, and incredibly low dose. It can control farm grass and other gramineous weeds in rice fields, and can likewise control most broadleaf weeds, some sedge weeds, and farm grass that produce obstruction.

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Preventive Measures:
With the utilization of herbicides, there is a sure gamble of inebriation to straightforwardly uncovered specialists, which relies upon a few elements. Risk elements can be assembled in the harmfulness of herbicides and openness given by the particular working circumstances. consequently, it is critical to keep the risk the board rehearses in real life to stay away from influences. The accompanying applies while showering herbicides:

The defensive dress ought to be utilized related to respiratory defensive gadgets to forestall skin contact and inward breath of herbicides. The defensive dress might incorporate elastic covers, coveralls, synthetic sprinkle goggles, well-being shoes, and hard caps.
Try not to transport or convey pesticides along with food or feed in a manner that permits defilement of the palatable things.
Keep pesticides in unique holders until utilized. Store them in a locked bureau, fabricating, or fenced region where they are not open to youngsters, unapproved people, pets, or animals. Try not to store pesticides with food varieties, feed, composts, or different materials that might become debased by the pesticides.
Discard void holders cautiously. Never reuse them. Ensure void holders are not open to kids or creatures. Never discard holders where they might taint water supplies or regular streams.
NOTE: Read the Product Manual before use for application directions.

AgriForce Herbicide: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is AgriForce Herbicide?

AgriForce Herbicide is a selective post-emergence herbicide used to control grasses and broadleaf weeds in cultivated rice fields. It is effective in both wet and dry cultivated rice, as well as transplanted rice.

What is the active ingredient in AgriForce Herbicide?

The active ingredient in AgriForce Herbicide is Bispyribac Sodium at a concentration of 100g/L SC (suspension concentrate).

How does AgriForce Herbicide work?

Bispyribac Sodium belongs to the chemical group known as ALS inhibitors (Acetohydroxyacid Synthase inhibitors). It disrupts an essential enzyme in weeds, hindering their growth and ultimately leading to their death.

What types of weeds does AgriForce Herbicide control?

AgriForce Herbicide is effective against a broad range of weeds, including:

  • Grasses (farm grass and other gramineous weeds)
  • Broadleaf weeds (most types)
  • Some sedge weeds
  • Herbicide-resistant farm grass


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